Concierge Aesthetics Nc

Advanced Aesthetic Services


Neck Lines

Reduce the aging process by filling your neck lines reducing the aging process and producing collagen in depleted areas to bring back your youth!

Lip Filler

We use Versa for our lip fillers per literature and best results. 

This product line dependent on clients state of hydration and maintenance of lips can last up to 12 months.

Clients have the option to use topical, nerve block or both forms of anesthesia for this procedure.


Botox Injectables  are noninvasive and known to make clients look on average 3-5 years younger. 

Botox prices are determined by units with every person requiring a different number of units based on their crease lines. 

Depending on a clients body and how fast they can metabolize the Botox neuromodulator Botox results can last between 6-12 weeks with results showing in  3-10 days. 

Lip Flip

Less invasive then dermal lip fillers. This procedure uses minimal amounts of Botox allowing for a more economical solution to clients requests for lip enhancements. 

Lip Flips usually las between 6-8 weeks however they are exponentially more economical then dermal lip fillers and are also considered a gate way procedure to dermal fillers.

 In addition this procedure is also known to compliment clients with dermal fillers providing increased enhancement. 

Sneads Ferry, Jacksonville, Wilmington, Richlands, Holly Ridge, Hampstead

Semaglutide Weight loss

FDA approved to loss 10 to 15 % body fat within 12 weeks.

Simple as one injection a week

Qualifying patients are given a 12 week dosing schedule and are monitored with possible titrations to achieve weight loss goals!